Read Local Grey Bruce

Now Available Online
Owen Sound: From the Great War to the Depression 1912-1929, by Richard J. Thomas
Local author and historian Richard Thomas writes, “When I moved to Owen Sound in 1986, I was assured by many people that nothing ever happens here. I am pleased to report that they were incorrect.” Having just published the 17th book he has written about this area, I think I can agree. Owen Sound’s history has been buried for far too long in the microfilm versions of early newspapers and crumbly old long-out-of-print books with township and personal histories ...
Owen Sound: From the Great War to the Depression 1912-1929, by Richard Thomas, is now available to order online.
Click the button below to read the full description, or to order your copy.

Ginger Press Celebrating 40th Anniversary
To celebrate its 40th anniversary, The Ginger Press in downtown Owen Sound will be serving cake after the Festival of Northern Lights are turned on, during the evening of Saturday, November 16. One of the oldest independent bookshops in Canada, The Ginger Press is also this region’s largest publisher of local books as well as MOSAIC magazine. With over 100 books in print, and more on the way, the company remains true to its focus of keeping our stories alive and preserving them for future generations.

From My Desk:
November 2017 MOSAIC
The Ginger Press started as a specialty mail order business in 1978 (forty years ago), selling books about wood and woodworking to keeners who enthusiastically embraced our quirky selection. When we moved to Kilsyth in 1979, the business expanded to a retail space,...